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Albanians stage designs from A. Zajmi (more than 300 stage designs)
albanian art agim zajmi paintingsand stage designs
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Do your comand for a Albanian painting here .

this albanian painting is smoll think for the society where we live: war and blood
The society of albanian today. Contrastes
Portret of a young albanian  contemporary woman
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Albanian painting about
War and albanian blood
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Society of today in albania
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Portret of a contemporary
Albanian girl
A beutifull day in a sprintime in Tirana , Albania
Portret of a old albanian woman
Painting for the albanian hospitality
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Sprintime in Tirana
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Albanian old women portret
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vision of albanian
Portret of a woman after the desastres of trhe wars
painting of a traditional albanian detail
Painting for the hope of the peace in Albania
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after war portret
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painting for the albanian
traditionals details
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painting for the peace

portret whith the contrastes of today (back) and traditional albanian costume
The beuty of a albanian girl .
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painting for tradition
and contemporary
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A beautifull portret
of albanian woamn
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(A albanian national hero)